Written by : trablogger

Vote & Learn #1 : Rule of Thirds

Published on : December 14, 2014
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Last Updated on December 14, 2014 by trablogger
Reading Time: 2 minutes

The Result of Vote & Learn # 1 is out. Thank you for your participation, if you have done it 🙂

Vote & Learn #1 Results

Vote & Learn #1 Results



# 2

# 2

# 3

# 3

# 4

# 4

# 5

# 5





So  the most number of votes goes to #3.

And I wanted  #3 to come out as the winner as well. So there must be some reason. Right?

That reason is known as Rule of Thirds. It is the most used rule for composing an image/frame.

Rule of Thirds

  • Divide your frame into 3 equally spaced horizontal and vertical parts.
Rule of thirds

Rule of thirds

  • Try to keep the 'point of interest' or Subject, in any of these intersecting points (or somewhere around these points).
  • Try to keep a horizontal line( horizon, a table top etc ) along any of the 1/3 horizontal line
  • Try to keep a vertical line ( Statue, a tree etc ) along any of the 2 vertical lines.

This is what the rule of thirds says in simple terms.

Usually we tend to frame our image with subject at the centre. You can check the votes and find out that 2nd place is for the flower at the centre(#2)!

But the very experienced painters and photographers found out that an off-centred image is more appealing. Also studies shows that natural tendency of our eyes' movement is to go to the intersection points rather than the centre of the image. That is the reason, why we should use Rule of thirds while positioning various elements in our photograph.

In your phone camera, point and shoot camera, or any camera you can find the guide lines in the LCD display. Check your settings if you can not find it.

Phone camera Guidelines

Phone camera Guidelines

Use this guide lines in framing your picture with subject in any of the intersecting points, along the horizontal or vertical line.

Some more examples?



Waiting for you

Waiting for you


Running the show

Running the show

Now we know the rule.

It is not a hard and fast rule that we should always place a subject exactly at the 1/3 line or at the intersection. There are no right and wrong photographs. If you like it, it is a good photo and you know it.

So its time for us to break the rule!

Floating colourfully

Floating colorfully

I like this picture even though it does not follow rule of thirds.

So have fun. Happy clicking. And share your "Rule of Third pictures". Ping backs are still working on this blog unlike Daily prompt 😉 Just saying

PS: Next time when you are watching an advertisement, check in which part of  the screen are they placing the product and let me know 😉

Your comments and feedbacks are most welcome. Thank you 🙂

Written by : trablogger
Trablogger aka Jithin is an Indian travel blogger who is obsessed with leading a travel life. When he is not traveling, photographing, writing or blogging, you can see him thinking about sustaining this travel life or helping someone to travel more.
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