09.10.2014 [ Thursday ]
I woke up remembering that I had an appointment that morning. I had a good sleep and woke up a bit late for that appointment. Within half an hour I was ready to head out. By that time I received a message from Gaurav saying that he was waiting for me at the café for the breakfast. I rushed out, got a couple of bike lifts and within no time I was at the café. That's the beauty of Auroville. People are kind enough to give a lift anytime.
We had a Idly Dosa breakfast at the café near the visitor's centre. After the breakfast, he invited me to his place. And then he allowed me to use his bicycle for going around in Auroville! I am telling you again, these true couch surfers are amazing people!! He gave me some suggestions on places to visit on that day.
I went back to host's place on my new bike. I only asked for a day's stay at her place. Also she had to leave the home to attend some family function. So I had to find another accommodation for the night. She suggested me a place owned by one of her friends. So I decided to stay there for 2 days, till Friday, because Friday I had the appointment to visit Matri Mandir which I don't want to miss. We had lunch at home, then I packed my bag and left around 3 o clock towards my new accommodation.
This place was interesting at first sight. A tree house kind of place which was situated inside a small farm sort of land. ( You will find a picture at the end of the post ) The place was run by a young entrepreneur. He is really a friendly person with a lots of dreams. He said it was his dream project and the works were still going on. The works were on hold because of some financial difficulties. They haven't officially started to operate the place yet. So I was one of the few first guests of that place.
I felt the place was cool. 24x7 water and electricity, But no WiFi.  My room didn't have an attached toilet. But there was a common toilet and bathroom outside just few meters away. And I was the only guest on that particular day. So all the facilities were only for me! 😀 It was around 2 km away from Auroville.  And it was 500/- per day.
I kept  my stuffs inside the room, locked it and went back to Gaurav's place to return the bike. I haven't done any explorations yet, though. Anyway I thought it would be appropriate to return his bike without much delay. When I reached his place, there were some of his friends present. One of them was a long-term volunteer in Sadhana forest in Auroville. I had read about Sadhana forest before, over the internet. I was excited to meet some one already associated with Sadhana forest. As I learned more about Sadhana, I was becoming more and more interested. I was informed that every Friday, a bus starts from Solar Kitchen( The Auroville Solar Kitchen is a collective kitchen for the Auroville community) to Sadhana forest which is around 5 km away from Auroville. And they show an eco film every Friday and dinner is served for all the guest followed by the movie. I was invited to come over and know more about Sadhana forest and I happily accepted the invite. Plans were changing even without my knowledge!!
And to my surprise, Gaurav told me to keep the bike for a couple of days till I go back as he already have his motorbike to go around. Life is good when you are surrounded by amazing people!
In the evening time, I went out for little bit more exploration. I went to see the Matri mandir again. I think I will never get bored going there and clicking the same picture again and again. Some of the pictures from this day
Now lets walk through the nature.
And then I found myself chasing the Sun, to get a glimpse of the Sunset.
I cycled towards the sun, to find a plain land, but everywhere there was trees surrounded. I travelled through some random paths hoping that I would reach a plain land soon. And guess what? I did reach, but a little late! The Sun had already finished the day's job and returned home. All I could capture was this
I went back a little disappointed. On my way back I found these interesting sign boards
Soon the day turned into night. It was time for some night photography session.
It was time for some crazy experiments.
Slow shutter speed with 'blur is beautiful' concept did the trick!
I had dinner from a road side restaurant and went back to my 'tree house'. On my way back I saw the full moon and it reminded me of one of my previous posts. 😉 How to take a Full moon picture that will make you howl 😉 [ Such a self publicity 😛 ] Well I tried to get a moon picture in that night. I wanted to include the trees as well. But it didn't turn out well.
After a few curves and turns was my 'tree house'
I stayed in the hut on the right side. In the picture you can find my super bike ( Not mine technically, but mine for the next couple of days 😀 )
Welcome to my room
Well its time for me to sleep, but wait, let me take a selfie first! 😉