Written by : trablogger

Travel Diary | Day 14 : The Cycle repeats

Published on : December 7, 2014
Filed Under : , Tagged as :
Last Updated on July 26, 2018 by trablogger
Reading Time: 2 minutes

[ 20.10.2014 [ Monday ]

It was again a Monday. Couldn't believe that its been already a week. My initial plans of staying for 4 days was already been re-planned. The new plan was to stay till next Sunday so that I could attend an event that Gaurav invited me.

So the cycle was repeating today. Morning seva consisted of three words : fun, forest and rain.

And as per my previous plans, I opted for Bees and termites as my second seva. I was excited about exploring the huts on a 'different level', but the luck wasn't in my favour. The sealing material was already finished. No more sealing the termite holes till we could get M-seal, which was used to seal the holes. So the bees and termite team went outside to the fields to clean the paths and areas near the huts. We had to cut the grasses and clear the area. So we indulged in the cleaning act with a bit of disappointment.

Talking of cleaning, the whole India is on a cleaning spree. Believe it or not, Swach Bharat abhiyan is the best publicity stunt that is happening these days, which concentrates on cleaning the places while not concentrating on 'not making the places dirty'! If someone wants to keep a place clean, the first thing to do is not to litter!

Today, I want to tell you about the Sadhana philosophy on garbage. Of course littering is out of question in Sadhana. What they believe is Zero Garbage policy. If someone have anything that is useless or garbage, they can deposit at the "Recycling Hut". It is a hut where you can dump your garbage which in turn gets sorted into different categories. Later they would transform into something very cool, or very creative. So practically there is no garbage at all.

I have seen these garbage transformed into beautiful work of art through the hands of some creative volunteers. This is also one of the second sevas.

I also know some people who are already doing this kind of stuff as a hobby. So if you have any such post, do share it as a ping back.

So that is all about the cleaning part.

We, the bees and termite team finished our cleaning activities by 12.30 pm . And then we had lunch. In the after noon went out and visited Auroville again. Came back to Sadhana before dinner. And after dinner once again it was time for  Monday Sharing circle. New and old volunteers shared their stories, their life confusions, their experiences. It was again a nice experience listening to a part of their life.

One more day came to an end. Now its time to sleep.

If you miss the previous day

Travel Diary | Day 13 : The Botanical Garden Day

Written by : trablogger
Trablogger aka Jithin is an Indian travel blogger who is obsessed with leading a travel life. When he is not traveling, photographing, writing or blogging, you can see him thinking about sustaining this travel life or helping someone to travel more.
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