The adventures at Thiruvannamalai starts today
Day 22 : 28.10.2014
Let's go for an early morning walk today. As we walk, I will tell you more about Thiruvannamalai.
First thing in the morning, I saw, she was blushing
The mood of the mountain was warm and welcoming.
Everything was warm that morning, like any other clear day.
the skies..
And even the puddle..
And I felt the theme of the day, the colour of the day was shades of red and orange
More colours were waiting for me..
And look what I have I found!! I have heard and heard in Hollywood flicks and from other places "Holyyyy cowwww" Now look here.
And the monks, sadhus I don't know what to call them, they were plenty and added more colour to the atmosphere.
And there, one more..
And some already started their day very early
While some started working, some were in trance
This was pretty much the scene everywhere. These are early morning visuals from Thiruvannamalai, the Holy mountain.
Both locals and foreigners visit this Holy town during their spiritual journey.
I decided to go back to the place where I was staying. Oh, did I tell you,  I could find a couch surfer and I was couch surfing at Thiruvannamalai.
Anyway lets go back to my couch now
On my way back I captured more warmth
and found some peacocks..
And some foreigner who settled in the holy town
And some bird enjoying its good life..
And the building was glowing at a distance..
while the mountain was waiting for us, waiting for our visit
Adventures at Thiruvanna malai coming soon in the next post.
On the way to Thiruvanna malai can be found here.