We do complain about almost everything. "It is so hot, why is it not raining?!!" : Our first complaint. Then one day it started to pour cats and dogs. "I will get sick because/of this rains. When will it stop?" : the next one. Our complains go on and on. Due to similar complaints, many of the people avoid travelling during monsoon time. I agree that it is quite uncomfortable to travel during monsoons. But if you decide to celebrate the rains, it is completely a different thing.
I decided to celebrate the rains. Which could be a better place to visit during monsoon season, than a rainforest?! So it was Agumbe this time.
Agumbe is a small village in Karnatka around 360km away from Bangalore. Agumbe is one of the wettest places in India. Some say it is the wettest place in India, Some say it comes after Cherrapunji. As I haven't visited Cherrapunji yet, this is the wettest place in India for me. Thus the destination was fixed. With a fellow explorer, we went to Agumbe from Bangalore on our bike.
It was a very pleasant climate when we started off. It wasn't raining, even though the dark clouds were flying around. But Agumbe, true to its reputation, welcomed us with a heavy rain from nowhere.
It was sudden, it was heavy and the visibility was less. Let me remind you one thing that, it was just the starting of rainy season. So we knew we are officially in Agumbe.
Later We met our couch surfing friend and we were all set for our rainforest adventures. The roads were awesome, the asphalt as well as the greenery on the sides. It offered a smooth soothing ride.
And the place was filled with trees, plants and all sort of green things. Oops, I was going through a rainforest. No need to emphasis these things. But anyway I had some photography fun with these trees and lush greenery.
Soon the forest off-road welcomed us. It was even more beautiful. But it was a bit tricky road as it was not a metalled road. At the end of that road awaited the trek route. Even more beautiful, it was.
Our trek to find out the waterfalls began from here. The route to the destination was not smooth, we had so many obstacles to cross in that route. But thankfully they were some beautiful obstacles.
We were experiencing a proper rainforest for the first time. The trees were tall, the forest was dense. And the rain made everything so green.
And someone was already in love with the forest and left his/her mark on one particular tree.
And the forest returned it's love by creating steps for an easier trekking.
Anyway it was an easy trek. The authorities have already made concrete steps for a better trekking experience for people of all experience levels, beginners to experts.
As we were walking through those man-made as well as natural steps, the rain which was taking a short break came back to visit us. What else can we expect inside a rainforest?! But by that time, we saw the first glimpse of the waterfalls.
And there it was, water falling as high as 300 feet (probably). The people looked really tiny.
Thus we reached Koodlu falls successfully.
I felt it was an easy trek. Maximum half an hour to reach the falls. As well-defined trekking paths are visible unlike before, less chances of getting lost.
After that we went to see a view-point. Clouds were kind enough to make some way for us to give a glimpse of the beauty.
And it was time for our greatest adventure to meet some rainforest wildlife. We already met some 'leeches' on our way, if you like to call them 'wildlife'. Well, sure they are part of the forest. So our first encounter was with leeches. But the next one was even better (call scarier if you may). It was a viper.
We met a guy who helped us to spot this snake. To be able to try my hands on my first ever 'wildlife photography' attempt was fun. And I could start off with a Viper! It was definitely a great experience.